Suggested Materials For Outdoor Decks

By David H. Urmann
Outdoor decks have so many uses. They make beautiful additions at home. You can choose from many different types of materials.
Many people would prefer to buy a house with extra space to put up an outdoor deck. Others choose the houses that already have an outdoor deck. Why? This is because more people known that outdoor deck is one great place to have special party and entertain guests. They find outdoor decks more relaxing and give them space where they can invite guests. It is a good venue to have a drink, a meal or a party with friends or family. It also gives privacy to houses, as the guests are gathered in the outdoor deck.
An outdoor deck also provides a peaceful environment for students to study, for family to have a conversation or for businessmen to gather for a meeting. During cool nights, this is the perfect place to enjoy a warm drink like milk, coffee or tea. When the weather is hot, this is a nice place to relax and drink icy cold drinks like shake, juices or soda. It is a good place to be alone and collect your thoughts. A barbeque party can also be fun here.
As you can see, there are a lot of uses of an outdoor deck. It comes in so many styles and designs. You can customize it to your own style and design. You can have a pool deck, gazebo deck, spa deck, roofed deck as a few suggestions. There are even decks with small cabins or other items that can further beautify the place and add up to a peaceful atmosphere.
It is important that you plan your deck wisely to make it durable and last longer. The larger you deck is, the fresher it will be. You can enjoy the area much more if there are extra spaces. You must also make sure that your outdoor deck is durable and long lasting.
You should also be able to choose the right materials for your deck. The most common choice for decking material is wood because these are naturally sturdy and strong. They are also easy to install. Because wood are natural elements, they give a good feeling then you step on it bare foot.
However, one of the disadvantages of woods is that it is prone to rotting. It can also splinter and warp. It needs annual cleaning just like any other material that you use for decks. But if you are industrious and diligent in cleaning and re-staining, you do not have anything to worry about. Re-staining should be ideally done every two to three years.
One kind of wood you can use is called pressure treated wood. It is the least expensive material for decking and is made of Southern Yellow pine. This kind of wood easily develops splinters if not maintained well. Some people prefer this though because it is more affordable. It just needs regular maintenance.
Western Red Cedar is another wood material that usually is color light brown, tan or salmon pink. This should be treated well to maintain its color. Otherwise, it will easily turn to silver gray or dark brown. This wood is resistant to decay and is very durable.
Redwood has the color of light red to reddish brown. If you choose this kind of material, choose the clear heart grade because it is more durable.
Mahogany is made of true mahogany tree but not all of these materials are resistant to decay. As a tip, the medium dark red and brown colors are more sturdy and resistant to decays.
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