Garage Floor Finishes

By David Karlson
Garage floor finishes are a great idea to protect the concrete floor because of the amount of traffic and abuse it receives. It does not matter what you do in your garage, whether you repair vehicles, carpentry or just park your car, a good solid durable floor coating will protect the concrete. Many of the products on the market are designed for the average do it yourself type person. As long as you follow the instructions, there should not be any problems with doing it yourself.
A good garage floor finish acts as a sealant, which is what you want on a concrete floor. Usually the finish is made of an epoxy, which will bond to the concrete. Finishing your garage floor is becoming more popular amongst homeowners who are always looking for ways to beautify their home and increase its value. Do it yourself television programs are very popular now and people get many ideas from these programs.
All you need for a good garage floor finishes are a few tools and gear and a good epoxy and your floor will stand up to just about anything you throw at it. In addition, it will be much easier to clean the floor as well. Here is a list of some of the items you will need for this do-it-yourself project:
— Chisel and trowel
— Large oscillating fan
— Paint brushes and rollers
— Pressure washer
— Floor buffer
— Push broom
— Floor squeegee
— Watering can and hose
These are most of the items you will need for applying most garage floor finishes. However, it is important to read the directions before you start so you can determine if there is anything else, you need for the job. Other items you will need include the right safety gear because of the chemicals involved with a job like this. Therefore, you will need safety glasses, thick rubber gloves, boots, a dust mask and you should wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt so you do not get any chemicals on your skin.
Before you begin to apply any garage floor finishes, make sure that you clear out the garage first, so the entire floor can be completed. The basic rule is if it is not attached to the floor then remove it. Then sweep the entire floor, making sure all the dirt is swept. Patch the concrete then once it is dry wash the floor with muriatic acid. Rinse it thoroughly with water.
Wait until the floor is completely dry then you can apply the garage floor finishes. One of the added bonuses is that when the garage is completely cleared out, you can purge many of the items you had in there. Not only are you protecting the garage floor but you are de-cluttering the garage as well. This job can be completed in a weekend. Try to pick a weekend when the weather is nice, so that you can store some of the items from your garage in the backyard. Warm weather will also help the coating dry faster as well.
About the Author: A garage is an important part of your home and it must be looked after just like the house. Visit our site to gather all your information on
garage floor sealers
, garage floor treatments, garage floor coverings,
epoxy floor paint
and other useful information on protecting your garage floor. by D. Karlson
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