Eco Friendly Home Improvement Ideas

Eco Friendly Home Improvement Ideas


Michi A.

One of the easiest ways to adapt to a green lifestyle is by making simple eco friendly adjustments at home. It does not actually have to be drastic, but a gradual change over time can make a huge difference. There are many different ways that you can do to make your home more environment friendly. Let me share to you some of them.


1. Go green by maintaining a herb garden. Gardening is a simple, fun and a great way to be one with nature. What\’s good about herb gardening is that it doesn\’t necessarily have to take up so much space and you don\’t have to be an expert gardener to maintain it. Many herbs can be grown indoors so if you\’re concerned about not having enough space outside then you don\’t have to worry. Here\’s a tip, line your kitchen windowsill with small cute pots and plant different herbs such as chives, mint, rosemary, thyme, sage and marjoram. Maintaining a herb garden in your kitchen is also a great way to have your basic herbs at reach anytime, and of course, don\’t forget the bonus aroma that it brings.

2. Switch your lightbulbs to CFLs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are more energy efficient and longer lasting than regular incandescent bulbs. You can save a great deal of money and energy consumption simply by switching to CFL bulbs.

3. Always bring a reusable bag with you whenever you go out. Plastic and paper bags used by stores create all sorts of environmental problems from pollution to overflowing landfills to oil consumption and the list goes on. The best way to avoid adding up to these problems is to invest in some reusable bags and use them for all of your shopping needs.

4. Pay your bills online. Paying your bills online does not only save you time but it also helps you save the planet. You can help Mother Earth by reducing the number of paper being used for monthly statements. Always opt to have your bills delivered to your email, instead of your mailbox at home.

5. Buy more eco friendly home products. Besides decreasing the effect of toxins, eco friendly home products benefit consumers by saving them money. Aside from being cost effective, green products can also affect the health in a positive way. You\’ll be less exposed to harmful chemicals and the risk of contacting allergies is greatly reduced. You can also help stimulate the creation of new jobs which in turn could help improve the economy. It\’s like hitting three birds with one stone.

Go organic today for your healthier future. Jem\’s Natural Living offers a wide assortment of

eco friendly home products

, organic baby products, organic food and natural health products.

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